How Multi DUI’s Can Wreck Your Life While driving comes with numerous responsibilities, you’ll find it also is a privilege to be able to get where you want to go independently. However, driving while intoxicated not only is dangerous to
Jake’s Law And Its Impact On Distracted Driving
Jake’s Law And Its Impact On Distracted Driving A recent study published by the Pew Research Institute indicated that more than 90% of the population in this country now owns at least one cell phone. With more mobile users than
Helicopter Moms & Stressed Out Babies (EXPERT GUEST POST)
Are you a helicopter Mom? Are you an Alpha Mom? As a new parent, you may find your day filled with chaos and mayhem. While time with your child can be the most amazing experience, you may also find it exhausting and overwhelming. The following tips will help you gain sanity, while enjoying your new bundle of joy. See for more information on parenting.
Stress Triggers for Kids-How To Help Them Cope (EXPERT)
How do you know what is stress and what is a temper tantrum? How do caring adults help them to cope with school, friends and disappointments? How do you figure out if the stomachache is from too many tacos last
Quality Time or Quantity Time
The truth is quality time just needs
to be time spent. Going to zoos, movies or museums
can be wonderful time spent together. But if you
are merely cramming the activities into your life
in a frenzied rush, you and your children won’t
experience a real sense of relaxed camaraderie.
In all actuality, they may prefer some time working
side by side with you on a family project or task.
Dining Out With Children & Finicky Eaters
Dining Out With Children & Finicky Eaters can be a challenge for the families–those who are trying to eat and those who are trying to get their kids to behave in public. Here are some great ideas for you in both cases.
Picky Eaters– Common Sense Parenting with “Auntie Artichoke” (EXPERT)
Picky eaters get that way for a variety of reasons. Some are very sensitive to taste, texture and smell. The more your child is involved in planning and preparing the meals, the more he or she will enjoy them. Statistics say families who enjoy regular meals together have better job and school performance, less stress and more happiness. Never make a battle around food. Encourage good conversation and connections at the dinner table.
Time Out for Adults
“Get down from the table top right now! What are you doing? Floors are for standing on, tables are for eating. You need a time out, young lady. You go to your room and think about how you have been