Good Morning from Montana:

© Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, the
storytelling trainer


Do you wish you had more friends?  Do you know what qualities people are looking
for in a friend?

Does it seem everyone else is better at making friendships
than you are?  Friendship is a skill like
playing the piano or learning to dance. Like other life skills, you need to
know a few ground rules and then practice, practice, practice.


Print out and take the following true and false quiz on
friendship and see what you need to do to increase your ability to meet people
and build relationships.


  1. Standing with an open stance, shoulders back and arms
    loose, gives a non verbal signal that you are open and approachable. True
    or False
  2. You should be the first one to say hello or smile.
    True or False
  3. Making a friend is a lot of giving and work on our
    part.  True or False
  4. It is easier to meet friends in small groups with a
    common interest.  True or False
  5. It is important to people that you make an effort to
    remember their names. True or False
  6. If someone doesn’t remember your name, they may just
    have a lot on their mind right now. True or False
  7. When introducing yourself, you usually offer to shake
    hands and say something like, “Hi, I’m Judy Wright, a writer from Montana. Where are
    you from and what do you do?”  True
    or False
  8. Often you can figure out what to ask the other person
    just by listening.  True or False
  9. Building a friendship or relationship is a lot like
    erecting a tent when you are camping. 
    You need to establish “anchors” or major ties you have in common,
    so it won’t be blown away by the first gust of wind or adversity.  True or False
  10. The best way to have friends is to be one.  True or False


I am sure by now; you have realized that all the answers are
true.  These are just a few suggestions
that will help you learn and practice your life long skill of being the kind of
friend you would like to have. Once you are that kind of friend, others will be
drawn to you.


If you or someone you know has a child who has difficulty
being included, you will want to check out

TheLeftOutChild an eBook, tele-classes and cd by Judy H.
Wright, parent educator and international speaker on family relationships. You will find the book and recordings of teleclasses on

You may
also download a gift eBook on verbal and nonverbal communication at   



Friendship Quiz-How to be the kind of friend you would like to have.