Hello from beautiful Montana:
Thanks from the center of my artichoke heart for joining us today. May we never take for granted those of you touch our lives in so many ways. You often don’t realize how a small moment for you can enrich the lives of others so much. Because of you and our choice to look on the positive side, we have a blessed life.
If, per chance, you do not have a support group to help you in life, may I volunteer?
Wise Woman Who Loves Unconditionally
As a Parent Educator, Family Relationship Coach, Hospice Worker, Pet Grief Coach, Author, Publisher, Intuitive Wise Woman, Mom, Gram and Auntie–I know quite a bit of how the world turns. It has been my calling and joy to observe and study "why we do the things we do–and how to make life easier."
Part of my spiritual calling is to share a message of hope and solutions with those who are searching for an answer or solution. Please think of me as your kind, loving Auntie who wants the very best for you.
I have come to realize that I can write all the parenting and family relationship books I want to, but I can't force people to buy and read them. The Young Professionals are more inclined to Google or Youtube for an answer. The Baby Boomers are more inclined to want to meet face to face. The Traditionalists want reminders of things they already know.
Valuable Videos Just For You
So….. I am creating short videos about all the things in the 23 books I have written, but in bite-sized pieces. Please keep your eyes open for a video a day on Facebook Live or www.JudyWright.tv about one of the following topics:
- Positive Parenting
- Relationships & Boundaries
- Writing & Publishing
- Grief, Loss & Spirituality
- Animal Human Connection
- Resiliency & Wellness
- Welcome Abundance (extra money)
Ask Auntie Artichoke Anything
What are your questions about life? What keeps churning in your heart and head in the middle of the night? What kind of guidance would benefit you? What is a sticky problem you would write to “Dear Abby” if you knew her address? Tell me and let me find the answer and solution just for you. If you are going through a sticky situation or quandary, then so are hundreds of others.
The more personal the question, the more universal the answer.
Fill out the contact form on the bottom of this blog and let me know how I can serve you.
Subscribe to this page and come back often
We will start on July 1st and will continue for 100 days. I will be creating them just for you and those you care about. Please share and comment. We love to live in community with you.
Judy Helm Wright–Author/Publisher/Intuitive Wise Woman