10 Signs It’s Time For Assisted Living For Your Loved One
It can be difficult to determine if a loved one needs the aid of an assisted living community.

While you want to ensure their safety, you also want to make sure they are physically and mentally ready for the move. The following are 10 signs your loved one is ready for assisted living.
1. Obvious Red Flags ??Accidents or close calls can place your family member in danger and cause injuries or a fatality. Whether it was from a fall, vehicle accident or medical emergency, you want to assess their health condition and recovery.
10 Signs It’s Time For Assisted Living For Your Loved One–
1. Obvious Red Flags
You can also ascertain their state of mind by asking questions such as:
• Who is the president?
• What state do you live in?
• What year is it?
Having a loved one at an assisted living facility means being attentively sure they receive the care and support they need. Successful assisted living facilities, such as Chateau Vestavia in Alabama for instance, will make sure that your loved one will complete daily tasks and ensure good nutrition.
2. Daily Living??
A lot can go into the care of a person’s daily activities such as getting dressed, personal hygiene, taking care of the home and shopping. Give your loved one a hug when greeting them. Are they bathing regularly? Do they remain in their pajamas daily? Check out the refrigerator. Is there spoiled food or lack of food on the shelves? If you notice any of them to be lacking, it typically means that they can no longer keep up with their care and maintenance.
3. Close and Personal??
A good hug can also allow you to determine if your family member has a noticeable weight loss. You’ll also be able to assess if they feel frail or their nutrition has taken a hit.
4. Social Connection??
As a person ages, their social circle can take a dramatic hit. The loss of special friends and family members can leave them feeling lonely and abandoned. The depression onset is particularly high with senior citizens due to this frequent loss. A special hobby or group membership may also lose their appeal and leave them with nothing to do all day except watch T.V.??A wonderful resource and activity is to get them to share stories of their life.
See http://www.MontanaStoryKeepers.com
5. Financial Obligations
It can be difficult for most people to keep up with the demands of bills and other financial obligations. However, you can stay alert to money issues by paying attention to your loved one’s mail. Unopened mail, second notices on bills and large donations to charitable organizations can be serious signs that your family members need help. Consider helping or taking over their finances to keep problems at bay. Monthly bill payments can become overwhelming to seniors when monetary or mental issues come into play.??They may find ways to make a little extra money from home by checking out http://www.WelcomeAbundance.com
6. Driving Ability??
Most individuals want to enjoy the independence of being able to drive into their golden years. Unfortunately, signs of dangerous driving can be hazardous to your loved ones life, and you need to check their driving abilities by assessing the vehicle for dents. You can also do your own determination by allowing them to drive to the local market.
7. Kitchen and Cupboards
Take a look into their kitchen. Stale or expired foods may be stored in the pantry or refrigerator and include items such as milk, cheese, lunchmeat and yogurts. You should also take notice of a refrigerator that is lacking in nutritious food. Look around the house to see if there are plates of uneaten food that has spoiled. This will help to assess if they are capable of making wise choices regarding their health.
8. Clutter??
and a lack of proper housekeeping can be serious signs your loved one is in need of assisted living. When entering the home, do you notice a foul odor? Are areas, such as the kitchen or bathroom, dirty or uninhabitable? If so, this can be another sign of the need for assisted living. A build-up of dust, newspapers and other debris can be hazardous to their health and welfare.
9. Fire Safety??
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can keep your loved ones safe. It is an essential for every household. You can check the home for general upkeep and change of batteries. You can also ascertain charred stove knobs or pots and pans. This could be a sign of disconnect of your loved one and basic fire safety in the kitchen.
10. Pet and Plant Care
If your loved one has pets or plants that need tending, you can determine their level of care such as proper nutrition and grooming. If these have been neglected, there might be memory issues that could prove harmful to them.??A loved one who is showing signs of strain and lack of upkeep may need the love and care of an assisted living community. These facilities can help to ensure the proper care and attention for they need in daily life. Proper communication can open the doors to their fears and make the moving transition a fun and exciting prospect.
Nadine Swayne understands how emotionally daunting it must be to make the decision to place a loved one in an assisted living community. In her research for this article, she looked online at facilities like Chateau Vestavia to get the questions and answers sought by family members of those needing care. Judy Helm Wright has been an author, personal historian and Hospice volunteer for many years. Learn more about her work at http://www.Artichokepress.com
Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vinothchandar/8530944828/
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