Our success in relationships, business, sports and spiritual endeavors is largely determined by our self image and confidence. Those who exhibit confidence in themselves and their choices seem to attract good things, people and experiences to their lives.
It seems as those who have learned the tricks and tips of self confidence seem to be magnets for better treatment, more opportunities and deeper relationships. It is in our best interest to learn some of the ways that confident people think and act, so that we too may share the joy and good fortune.
Here are 5 Tips that we have incorporated in our family to build confidence
- Focus on your strengths and hire out your weaknesses. Of course you can do the lawn work, and straighten the garage, and run a business, but you are best at running the business. Barter, trade or hire others who are good at what you are not to do it faster and better.
- Visualize yourself succeeding. If you can see a clear picture of what success will look and feel like, you increase your chances of reaching it.
- Ask for others to teach and mentor you. The most flattering question to an expert is “Wow, I am impressed. Will you teach me how to do that?” It is important to cultivate people who will help you to grow and develop your talents. Even the very act of asking is empowering. Determine what you want and keep asking until you get it.
- Replace negative self talk with positive affirmations. Many of our beliefs and actions come from words or actions that others have given us in the past. They may not have been true then and they certainly are not true now. You have the power and duty to say to yourself over and over again “I may have been Late (or lazy,disorganized,unkind,procrastinator etc.) in the past, but now and forever more I am choosing to be on time every time (or industrious,organized,kind, prompt etc.)
- Recognize there are a number of solutions to every situation. There is no one and only way to do anything. People who get locked into “my way” thinking, lose sight of the creative, innovative and imaginative ways to solve problems.
All of us have weaknesses and insecurities. The trick is to take a good look at how those past belief systems got there and if they are serving us well. If not, then as an intelligent person who has choices in life. Choose to let those things go that do not serve us and incorporate those habits and beliefs that do help us to succeed.
The world needs strong, confident people to step up in relationships, businesses, communities and neighborhoods. It is time to assume the mantle of confidence and esteem and recognize you have much to contribute and share.
I have confidence in you.
If you would like additional assistance in overcoming negative thoughts and actions, please go to http://www.encourageselfconfidence.com for a powerful book and bonus items. You will feel that it was created just for you. And it was.

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