Ditch The Lampshade! Party Safe
One of the biggest party nights of the year has come and gone. Ringing out the old by ushering in the New Year with promises of a fresh start put many in the celebratory spirit, with big parties and overindulgence going hand in hand. But a great celebration doesn’t always mean excessive drinking. There are plenty of safe and sober activities that can ensure a night to remember!
Alcohol Free Beverages
You don’t need to imbibe to have a good time at your celebration. You’ll find a host of beverage ideas and activities that are sure to make your evening fun and festive. It will also make getting up the next morning easy and headache-free.
Bowls of festive punch can be mixed together and set out on your buffet table. With delicious concoctions of juices, seltzers and flavored ice creams, your guests won’t even miss the alcohol. You can even serve warm beverages such as hot chocolate, espresso drinks and mock-tails. Trivia games, charades and electronic games can liven up any party.
Be A Responsible Host
If you plan on serving alcohol at your party, you can be a great host by staying alert to your guests needs. This includes knowing when to cut off friends or loved ones who have had too much to drink and finding alternative methods of transportation for their ride home. You can also set a time to stop serving alcohol by switching to dessert and coffee beverages. Try visiting sites online to find alcohol alternatives to parties and what the repercussions can be from driving while intoxicated.
Designate A Driver
When your guests arrive, you can ensure their safety by having them turn in their keys at the door. If they’ve had too much to drink throughout the course of the evening, you can keep their keys and hand them to someone who hasn’t been drinking. A designated driver can still have fun and ensure that their friends and family members get home safely.
Have A Healthy Menu
At parties, many of us indulge in decadent foods and beverages, but you can turn your future festive gigs into healthy celebrations. You can begin by opting for a menu that includes fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole-grain pastas. You’ll find an array of easy menu options that are both delicious and won’t add inches to your waistline. Dessert is another area you can lighten up by replacing unhealthy fats with applesauce or Greek yogurt.
Alternate Transportation
If you decide to have a party, and you plan on serving alcohol, you need to have alternate transportation ideas at the ready to help guests avoid driving home intoxicated. This includes calling a taxi service ahead of time to ensure they are available to transport guests who have had too much to drink. You can also prepare extra rooms in your home for overnight guests who aren’t able to drive home. Let your guests know that this is an option.
Getting together with friends, loved ones and neighbors should always be a joyous occasion. However, alcohol related accidents and DUI’s are always a concerning matter and unfortunately, on the rise. While you want your guests to have a great time, you can still host a festive and fun celebration by keeping everyone safe.
Always the conscious party hostess, Nadine Swayne offers these helpful tips. While scouting for information, she found the site www.kellislaw.com, where a host of knowledge was available regarding legal matters and DUI.
Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/codyryanphotography/4459226586/