Hello from beautiful Montana;
Happy New Year to you and yours.
I wonder how many of you caught the Oprah show yesterday on happiness> Even though I had seen it before, I still learned some new things.
She invited us to go to http://www.Oprah.com to take a happiness quiz. I scored really high on the happiness scale, but I would not always have done so. it seemed like when the children were small, I was always waiting to be happy.
Second Half of my Life
When I got to be about 40 years old, I decided to shape up and stop looking for outside sources to give me a gold star. My whole perception shifted and I not only got into better shape physically, emotionally but also spiritually.
I have always had an intuitive spirit and knew I would live to be an old age, have six children and write books for families all over the world. So why was I so anxious to hurry any part of life! I made a decision to be more focused on the present and less on the future.
I really like myself now.
Take a few minutes and take the happiness quiz. If you are not happy with the results, then change your actions and your beliefs will follow, or change your believes and your actions will follow. Just make up your mind to be happy. You deserve it.
With love and gratitude,
Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship coach and author