Dear life long learning friends;

Last Friday, I spent the day in a workshop learning something new. Continuing education is wonderful as it gives us tools and techniques for improving our lives. Each new fact or practice we learn builds and expands on our foundation of knowledge and wisdom.

This particular workshop was on recognizing the dimensions of the heart and presented by Puran and Susanna Bair from Institute for Applied Meditation. I went with an expectation for developing deeper meditation and came away with a much greater appreciation for how our physical heart works.

To get to the emotional heart, we must go through the physical heart which is the internal clock. There is a fundamental rhythm that gives each cell the same beat. That beat emits a color and light that can be measured at a distance. That is why we can “feel” that someone is upset or depressed.

The heart has four dimensions:

   1. Collaboration-Harmony. The ability to extend your arms and embrace others. “Big hearted”
   2. Courage-Creativity. The forces of your heart to give, radiate, lead and create. “Brave hearted”
   3. Compassion-Idealization. The ability to empathize with others and be deeply moved. “Kind-hearted.”
   4. Capacity for Constructive Change. The final dimension is inward and shows all that your heart contains and has the potential for growth. “A heart felt person.”

There is much more information available and the Bairs are on a world book tour right now. If you have the opportunity to hear them speak or buy their books Living From the Heart and Energize Your Heart please do so.

From my open heart to yours.

Judy H. Wright

Heart Rhythm Meditation