Surprising Dangers of Prescription Drug Dependency And Your Family
Lately, whenever you read the news, it seems that another Hollywood celebrity has just entered or just returned from rehab because he or she was addicted to prescription medication. Surprisingly, prescription drug addiction is dangerous, and much more common than you may realize. It is something that affects many people – not just celebrities.
Many prescription drugs are habit-forming and addictive. Medicines from painkillers to sleeping pills to ADHD drugs such as Ritalin, are all common forms of pills that anyone can become dependent upon using. The employment of prescribed medications today is so common, that many times, we don’t think twice about the potential for abuse, misuse, or dependency.
Drug Dependency Can Happen to Anyone
Another danger of becoming dependent on prescription drugs is that it can happen to just about anyone. Elderly people who take many medications may become dependent long-term. Women take more prescribed tranquilizers and mood enhancing pills, so they are more susceptible to addiction than men. Teens are also vulnerable when it comes to drug dependency – especially if they see their parents partaking on a regular basis.
Drug Dependency Can Occur Over Time
When people take prescription medication for pain, for sleeping, or for mood improvements, often they learn to like the effects of these drugs, and feel that they are unable to function without them. In some cases, people may think, “If one pill has this positive effect, then two or more will make me feel even better.” This is a dangerous road that can lead to many complications including physical, emotional, legal and relationship issues.
Effects of Prescription Drug Dependency
Probably the most obvious concerns that people with drug addictions face are physical ones. An abundance of health problems can happen to someone who takes pills every day, including irregular heartbeat, risk of heart attack, seizures, hostility, paranoia, infections and overdose.
All of these risk factors can lead to financial troubles, serious relationship issues with other family members and friends, and legal issues such as getting arrested for stealing or forging prescriptions. “Drug crimes do not just pertain to street drugs. Drug crime laws also address the abuse and misuse of prescription drugs,” says Perhaps even your professional career can be in jeopardy as a result of your performance at work, or because you have missed too many days due to health issues.
Preventing Abuse and Dependency
Thankfully, if you or a loved one is on path toward drug dependency or abuse, there are steps you can take to prevent the consequences of this dangerous road.
1. Speak to your doctor about your concerns. Make sure you let him or her know about all the medication you are taking, how often and how you feel as a result.
2. Follow directions carefully. Never change the dosage on your own, especially if you feel inclined to increase it. Check with your doctor first to make sure you are taking the medication only as prescribed as the proper dosage.
3. Ask your pharmacist about side effects. Always know what type of side effects or primary effects the drugs will have. Make sure you understand completely about potential interactions with other medications or alcohol, too.
4. Never take someone else’s pills. Even if you have the same symptoms, never take someone else’s prescribed medication. Speak to your doctor about your specific condition, as your prescription may be completely different than a friend’s or family member’s.
If you or someone you love is in danger of prescription drug dependency, know that help is available. Speak to your doctor or medical professional, or join a support group as soon as possible.
After watching more than one of her friends go down this unfortunate road, author Molly Pearce decided to write this post in the hopes it might make just one reader think twice. Most of her research for this article was done online, on medical and legal sites, such as The web is a great source of info and support for those struggling with prescription abuse or dependency.
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