It is just as easy to see yourself and the members of your family having positive character traits as to dwell on the failure and disappointment. What you focus on, you get more of. Shift your mindless chatter to good thoughts and look for the positive traits.
Nurturing Families like Growing Plants
Think of a family as a healthy potted fern. A plant is made up of small individual stems and branches that, as separate entities, appear fragile and unsteady. From a distance, the whole appears as a mass of green foliage that forms a solid picture and is described as a plant.
Luck or Life – When Bad Things Happen To Good People
Ernest Hemingway once said: “The world breaks everyone. and afterward ,many are strong in the broken places.” When we are going through adversity, it is not always possible to believe that everyone suffers loss and heartache. It feels and acts
Step-Families You Are Not My Daddy!
Hello from beautiful Montana: It is important that it takes time, effort and a great deal of patience to blend two families. Just because the adults have gone through a marriage ceremony or feel committed to each other, it does