The Mind Body Connection – Getting Over A Near-Fatal Accident
A person becomes very aware of how fragile life is when they experience a near-fatal accident. The life-threatening injuries, the extensive recovery period and the emotional pain that you experience during this type of event are enough to change your outlook on life. However, it is important that the change in opinion you have is for the better.
In many cases, when a person experiences this type of trauma, their natural reaction is to close themselves off from life. They are so afraid of what may happen to them that they do not want to leave their home or interact with others. This is not a good thing. It may be necessary for the person to receive professional counseling in order to get past this trauma.
An experienced personal injury lawyer will fight hard to ensure that you receive the compensation that you need to take care of your physical and emotional pain. A good way to find a local attorney is by doing a local Internet search like auto wreck lawyer in West Virginia, or Atlanta auto accident attorney.
Experiencing this type of event is life changing. However, there are steps that every person must go through to gain a full recovery. It is important to get through each step and not get stuck.
1. Denial. The first step is to be in complete denial of what has just happened in your life. You do not want to believe that you almost lost your life. You do not want to accept the severity of your injuries. You do not want to believe that everything has changed.
2. Anger. When the realization of what has happened actually sets in, it is natural to become angry. It can also be associated to the condition of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Why did this happen to me? Why did it have to be so bad? This is just not fair. It is a natural step in the healing process.
3. Fear. Once you have passed the anger stage, it is also very natural to enter into the fear stage. Also known as “What If,” and you begin to question everything. At this point you also may start placing limitations on yourself to prevent anything from happening again. The scenario may go something like: What if I get into another car accident again and it is worse? Maybe I should not get into a car anymore. These limitations can consume and ruin a life.
4. Gratitude. When you finally overcome the fear phase, you become very grateful that you actually survived the car accident. You acquire a new appreciation for life and for everything else. It is at this point that you can move on from this terrible event and reclaim your life.
Going through these phases will take different lengths of time for each person. We all know that everyone is different, and the experience and reaction will be different. However, everybody that does experience this must accept the fact that if they are “stuck” in one mind frame too long before they reach the acceptance phase, they may need some help.
Love and support from family and friends will help you get through this very difficult time. But if you are struggling with the emotional healing from this serious type of accident, you should seek help from a professional. If you find that your family and friends are making this request, because it is sometimes not easy to see in ourselves, take their advice and get the emotional support and therapy that you need.
A near death accident is enough to change anyone. However, it does not have to make things worse. Coming to terms with the event and finally re-finding your appreciation and gratitude for life is the only way to completely heal from this type of event.
Nadine Swayne is a freelance writer who researches traumatic car accidents. She has found an auto wreck lawyer in West Virginia that addresses the emotional toil that a car accident can take on an individual and their family. They recommend that you do not take the first offer from an insurance company but that you take the time to assess all of your damages: financial, physical and emotional.
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