Top 4 “Must Haves” for the New Mom
The amount of equipment needed for a new infant can seem overwhelming to a new mom. While the advice from family, friends and co-workers can leave your head reeling, you’ll find the following compiled list to house the top four items every new mom must have.
Nursing Pillows
A nursing pillow is an essential piece of equipment for feeding your new bundle of joy. The pillow is designed to provide better positioning, so your child can get the most out of their feedings. Accessories, such as Mombo nursing pillows can also provide comfort to both mother and child when it’s time to breast-feed. However, even though the name denotes “nursing”, it is not just for breastfeeding moms. It is extremely helpful to mothers who are using bottles, as well.
As your child grows and develops, the nursing pillow can also provide support and better coordination by engaging them in sitting up. Pregnant moms also swear by the nursing pillow as a way to alleviate back pain and discomfort.
Smartphone Applications
Today’s technological advances have made it easier to take care of an infant. If you’re looking to keep track of your infant’s diaper changing and bowel movements, you’ll find baby tracking diaper apps an easy way to monitor the time, consistency and changes.
You can even download the information for your next physician appointment. If you have bothersome noises interfering with your infants sleep schedule, you can download various white noise sounds such as crickets chirping, beach waves and other nature sounds. Calendars, alarms and other smartphone applications make it easy to track physician appointments, medicine schedules and when its time for feedings.
Forums and Support Groups
Whether you need help with breast-feeding or you’re wondering if your child’s cough should be worrisome, you’ll find mom forums and support groups to be beneficial for new moms. The forums can also offer advice and helpful tips on your child’s growth and development, what to feed your infant and questions about potty training.
The support groups can also be a great place for moms to arrange play dates with your children or to start up a mommy and baby exercise programs. Having the support of other moms who have experience under their belt can be a life saver for the new mom.
Baby Monitors
Baby monitors have come a long way from capturing the sounds and voice of an infant. New moms will find the hottest trends in infant monitors to come equipped with the tools to check their temperatures, sleep patterns, breathing and positioning.
The video capabilities of the monitors also put a stop to the endless trips into the infant’s room to check on them. They also have smartphone capabilities that allow a mom to check on their tiny tots when traveling on business or an evening on the town via cellphone application.The new wave of monitoring devices is aimed at helping parents get a good night’s rest along with their infant. It’s also provided new moms with early detection capabilities that can alert them to any serious problems.
Preparing for an infant can be an exciting time in a new mom’s life. However, ensuring that you have the essentials to make your life easier can seem daunting. In addition to providing comfort for your child, you’ll find the above four helpful tips empowering in your child raising experience.
Jamica Bell is a freelance writer and former president of a national stay-at-home mom support group. As a proud mother to 7 active children, she is well acquainted with the “must haves’ to make life easier for new moms.
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