Confident kids have developed responsibility and courage. They are able to take safe risks and feel competent and loved. You can raise a confident kid.
How to Build Self-Confidence In Kids
I am entered in a Ultimate Blog challenge and so rather than work on two (or ten) important projects, I decided it would be fun to repurpose an eBook I am writing for Kindle. It is titled 77Ways to Build Self-Confident Kids and hopefully will be available within the month.
Raising a Resilient, Responsible Bounce-Back Kid
Wise parents, teachers and caregivers help children to problem solve, rather than solve the problem for them. Raising a child to be responsible and resilient means that you do what you can to help the child help themselves.
The Importance of the Family Day Out
They say that moving house is the most stressful thing we ever do, having to arrange a top notch moving company, packing everything up, etc, but sometimes day-to-day family life can rival even that!
3 Ways to Become a Home Maker – A Refuge from the World
Home is where your heart is safe. It is the one place you can relax and be authentic. Home is not just walls, floor and bed, but the intangible aspects of your environment that make you feel welcome and blessed. It is, or should be, a refuge from the world.
Soothing Techniques For Self-Care
When you are upset, you also need to have an arsenal of effective ways to calm yourself down and improving your mood. Sometimes unpleasant memories or negative self-talk will spark conflict in your heart.
What Makes a Family?
Families teach us that we can survive the pain of divorce, mental illness, abuse, alcoholism, suicide, unemployment, violence and all the other stuff that happens in life. The functional and flourishing family is most productive when it has goals and values as a unit.
When your family is supportive and respectful of the rights and dreams of each other, it is a wonderful spring-board to life.
Encourage Positive Traits with Feedback Not Criticism
It is just as easy to see yourself and the members of your family having positive character traits as to dwell on the failure and disappointment. What you focus on, you get more of. Shift your mindless chatter to good thoughts and look for the positive traits.