Think of a family as a healthy potted fern. A plant is made up of small individual stems and branches that, as separate entities, appear fragile and unsteady. From a distance, the whole appears as a mass of green foliage that forms a solid picture and is described as a plant.
Time Out for Adults
“Get down from the table top right now! What are you doing? Floors are for standing on, tables are for eating. You need a time out, young lady. You go to your room and think about how you have been
Use Encouragement Instead of Criticism to Help Children Improve
Criticism is punitive Our children judge themselves on the opinions we have of them. When we use harsh words, demeaning adjectives or a sarcastic tone of voice, we literally strip a child’s core of self-confidence and make them less likely
Water! Water! Everywhere!
What one word best sums up summer fun? Water. I bet your favorite memories as a child involved getting wet, running through sprinklers on a sweltering afternoon, water fights in the backyard, wading at the beach, playing on the slip
What Are Reasonable Expectations Of A Child
To have reasonable expectations of our children is an important aspect of wise parenting. Reasonable expectations leave room for a child to be a child but understand they are on the road to learning to be a mature adult. Often
Consistent Boundaries Make Discipline Easier
??????? Homes should be run by parents, not children. So many times, however, either the children are in charge or the parents are so eager to be liked, that whatever rules and standards are talked about, few are enforced, especially
15 Ways to Help Kids Like Themselves
1. Tell me something you like about yourself? Help your child to focus on her many strengths. 2. Reinforce the positives. Give praise, recognition, a special privilege or increased responsibility for a job well done. 3. Define limits and rules
Your Family is an Organization
It is good to remember a family is an organization. In fact, it is the basic organization of society. This is just one of the reasons I am such a proponent of family meetings. You wouldn’t think of running a