Parenting is a big job. Learn from other successful families and guide your children to be self sufficient, responsible adults. If you were in a dysfunctional situation, ask for help on setting boundaries and healthy discipline methods.
Playful Parenting – More than Just Fun and Games
Early childhood educators have called play “children’s work”. Many parents believe their children should be doing something more productive than merely having fun. But, actually, play fosters physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. Encouraging your child to play is vital
Keep your cool
Know your limits. Accept what you can’t change and let go of things out of your control. Ease your tension. Take a walk; listen to music, splash cold water on your face. Earn small rewards when you make the choice
Discipline without damage
If your parenting methods include abuse of any kind; physical, sexual, emotional or verbal, please get help to stop as soon as possible. Adults are supposed to safeguard and protect the young among us. You may be repeating patterns learned
Mother’s Day Message to Adult Children
Dear Loved Ones: I want you to know that when you were growing up, I always got a knot in my stomach when Mother’s Day was coming up. On that Sunday every year when I yelled and prodded and
Indigo Children – Born To Lead Hard To Manage
As I travel the country teaching workshops for parents, teachers and day care providers I often ask them if they recognize the Indigo Children. These children are not content to color in the lines or glue macaroni on paper. They
Family Fun
51 ways to have fun with your family this summer for little or no money… Take a hike. Go around the block, up the mountain, down the trail or under the elm trees. Ideally, we should all be walking 10,000
5 Tips for Family Resilience- Bounce Back From Adversity
As the economy becomes more unstable and family finances go up and down, I see those families who are able to weather the storm and those who are devastated and destroyed. What makes some families resilient and bounce back? Be a bounce back person.