The Extraordinary Indigo Children Do you feel that your child acts and behaves in a certain way, which is different from other children of his age? If yes, you might be having an indigo child. Indigo children became well known
How to Really Listen to a Child – Guest blogger
How to Really Listen to a Child by Heather When we really listen to a child – we enter into their world. Their reality. When we really listen to a child – the simple things become magical and our lives
Beautiful Granddaughter To Attend Missoula Children’s Theater
Chester teen to attend performing arts program CHESTER — Amanda Loosli, 15, will soon take an important step toward her goal of being an actress. The Chester teen will take part in the prestigious Next Step Prep six-week workshop this
Children Need Free Time to Daydream and Think
“I am bored.” “Why wont you play with me?” “I want to do something fun.” Children may not know how to spend time alone with themselves. They may feel they are entitled to have fun and be entertained all day
How To Deal With A Difficult Child – Rude, Defiant and Lazy
Why won’t my kid behave? What makes him so angry? How can I control his angry behavior? Why is his behavior rude and obnoxious? How can we teach respect and responsibility? Are all kids his age lazy? What am I
Raising Kids on a Budget Quiz
Hello from beautiful Montana: This morning (at 6am!) I am speaking on a radio show for parents in New York. As I was preparing (opening my eyes) I remembered a quiz I had prepared for a parenting class last year.
PostPartum Depression and Mental Health for Women
I recently attended an excellent conference in Missoula, Montana sponsored by Postpartum Support International. I honestly don’t know why I was prompted to go, since it was very clinical and designed from nurses, physicians, social workers and mental health professionals.
Help Children Cope With Loss of Loved One
Children who have been allowed to participate in the care of loved one, including hospice care at end of life, are better prepared later in life when losses of any kind occur. Loss of a Pet For many children the