“I am bored.” “Why wont you play with me?” “I want to do something fun.”
Children may not know how to spend time alone with themselves. They may feel they are entitled to have fun and be entertained all day long by parents, friends and electronic equipment. Some people have called this phenomenon into a new breed of parents and entertainers called “parentertainers” This is adults who feel responsible for making sure children have a good time and enjoy the excitement of new and better activities every minute of the waking day.

Stop The Insanity
There is a big difference between feeling lonely and spending time alone. Your child may need to be introduced to this concept. As adults, we treasure the few minutes daily we have of alone time to regroup and relax. So why do we feel that our children need to be entertained each moment?
Only when we are alone and silent do we hear our own inner voice. Sit down with your child or children and tell them what you do in your alone time, and why yo like it so much Tell them what you get out of being quiet and thinking thoughts and imagining things.
There is so much commotion in the days of most families that it is hard to find the time to stop and listen in silence. Yet, it is when we listen to the sounds around us and the thoughts in our mind have an opportunity to be heard and acknowledged, the world seems to come alive. Answers and solutions to problems and situations are allowed to bubble to the front of your mind and present ideas you have never thought about.
Time to Daydream and Play Independently
Children who value their own thoughts learn to understand their feelings. The child who is encouraged to entertain himself with a solitary interest or hobby learns to think independently. Having a hobby is more important than you might think. Being able to build a model car, color in a coloring book or read an interesting book is very relaxing and will give a sense of pride and accomplishment to the child.
In a world where everything seems fast, furious and noisy, the child who can entertain himself or be alone with his thoughts to daydream will be much better equipped to be a productive and happy adult. His imagination and daydreams will provide peace and satisfaction in his own company.
Model Free Time to Think
Remember, your children will model your behavior, so if you sit around and watch TV or keep loud music on all day, so will they. Give them a gift of creativity and a space of time to daydream, think, plan and imagine.
I have confidence in you.
Your friend,
Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship author and speaker
PS: Be sure to sign up for the free ebook at http://www.KidsChoresAndMore.com The book will help get family chores done quickly so everyone can enjoy free time.