When we teach our children to be a kind and responsible person, we are really teaching three things: 1) Confidence 2)Character and
3) Critical thinking skills. This life-skills will stand them in good stead no matter what journey they may take in life.
Why Everyone Loves Babies – A Baby as a Teacher and Pupil
Babies can be both pupils and teachers for care-givers and loved ones. By using the 5 senses we can help each child to develop life awareness and critical thinking skills. The more we sing, read and talk with infants the more the baby brain development.
Encourage Positive Friendships-Have a “Go-To-House”
Make your home a “go-to-house” that is a safe haven of acceptance and friendship in the neighborhood. You may have the opportunity to mentor positive friendships and change the life of a child.
Social skills and manners for children
Authentic respect for self and others is a learned behavior. You can help your child develop good manners by setting the example, teaching them basic etiquette, and showing them what to do. This is a life-skill that takes practice as being considerate about the feelings of others.
Positive Friendships & Self-Esteem
Parents, teachers, caregivers, coaches and other caring adults are concerned with how to teach values and self-esteem to the children in their lives.
Teach Acceptance-Build Confidence
The best way to build confidence and self-esteem is to find things we are good at and enjoy and do more of them. Determine what you or your child is good at and then just do more and better of that. Manage weakness but don’t concentrate on it.
Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem = Success in Life
Success in life, friendship, business, family dynamics and spiritual growth has self-confidence and self-esteem at the foundation. People who have a confidence in their personal worth seem to be magnets for success and happiness everywhere they go.