Hello from beautiful Montana: Character is the set of qualities that makes a person distinctive. It is an outward manifestation of what you believe inside your mind and spirit. It is your nature, personality and moral fiber. Your character is
Swine Virus or Fine Virus- Catch the Happiness Bug
Hello from beautiful Montana: Right now people are very concerned about the Swine Flu which is spreading in Mexico and other place globally. The questions the media, the Center for Disease Control and many people are talking about most is;
Young Kids Need Active Play To Be Healthy
[email protected] Hello from beautiful Montana: Your child needs to have many opportunities to be active and to do physical exercise in order to build strong muscles, bones and imagination. These activities and play should vary in intensity and interests in
Bend, Bounce Back or Break- How Resilient Are You As A Mom?
Hello from beautiful Montana: I am going out of town this weekend to speak to a woman's conference. They are women who work under a lot of stress and need assistance in learning how to bounce back from adversity. They
Parenting Solutions- One Size Does Not Fit All
Hello from beautiful Montana: auntieartichoke.minti.com In 25 years of teaching parent education and family relationships, many of the same topics come up again and again. Does that mean there is one simple answer for everyone? No. Each family and child
Re-Frame Your Thoughts and Memories
Hello from beautiful Montana: Do you have pictures in your mind of past experiences? Are they all pleasant and pleasing or do some of them make you sad, angry or resentful? I collect art work based on the theme of
Overcome Anxiety and Shyness
Hello from Montana: I am very outgoing and confident in new situations and enjoy meeting strangers and turning them into friends. My husband Dwain, on the other hand, is very uncomfortable in groups and becomes anxious about situations where he
Step Parenting-So Who is The Boss?
Hello from beautiful Montana: The other night at a parenting class, a kind, thoughtful and intelligent man in a business suit paused after everyone else had left to ask a question that had been bothering him all night. Who is