When to begin solid food for babies is a question many parents wonder about. Breast milk is the perfect choice of nourishment and most doctors and successful mothers suggest sticking just with breast milk for at least six months. Learn more about parenting and family relationships at http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com
8 Easy Tips For A Green Home & Family
If you want to gain new ideas and tips for helping Mother Earth stay green and offer sustainable living, here are some easy to use tips. The more you work together as a team, the more you will see your family and your home become more healthy and green. Thanks from www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com
Devastating Injury: How To Combat The Whirlpool of Why Me?

Devastating Injury: How To Combat The Whirlpool of Why Me? If you’ve experienced an injury, you may find yourself sidetracked by pain and depression. Whether your injury is long-term or short, it’s common to be plagued by feelings of anxiety,
How To Brake Your Teen’s Speeding!

How To Brake Your Teen’s Speeding! Handing your teenager the keys to the car can be a conflicting experience. You want your teenager to learn how to drive safely and know how to handle a
5 Great Bike Safety Apps Every Parent Should Get!

5 Great Bike Safety Apps Every Parent Should Get! Today’s technological apps can make learning fun for your children. They are also equipped to keep your child safe whether they are navigating an open trail or traveling to and from
How To Have The “Talk” .. With Your New Teen Driver

How To Have The “Talk” .. With Your New Teen Driver Driving is a privilege that your teen should never enter into lightly. However, with the right amount of education, communication and discipline for rules that get broken, you can
Teaching & Modeling Empowerment (EXPERT)
How does a parent, grandparent, mentor or teacher model empowerment and confidence to the kids in their circle of influence? The primary way anything is taught to children is through modeling. We show them the behavior we desire. From the
10 Most Common Jobs That Risk Safety for Higher Pay

10 Most Common Jobs That Risk Safety for Higher Pay America’s job market definitely isn’t the most robust in the world right now, but luckily, it has shown improvement. This means that more and more people