High school sports mean everything to those who participate in them. Whether it’s a young girl who just wants to spend time with her friends on the softball diamond or young boys looking to lay the foundation for a potential
Invisible Wounds…Coping With the Issue of Crash Anxiety
When you think about car accidents in general, you think of physical injuries and physical damage to your car. In most cases, you do not think about the emotional trauma that an accident can cause, or the lasting anxiety that
Losing The Career They Dedicated Their Life To – When Your Spouse Comes Home From The Sea
Losing The Career They Dedicated Their Life To – When Your Spouse Comes Home From The Sea A lifelong career as a merchant marine can be a rewarding profession. Theyenjoy the freedom of working at sea, getting to see new
The Most Valuable Gift Of All…Teaching Your Toddler To Share
Children who learn the value of sharing at an early age will mature into balanced and well-adjusted adults who are focused on helping others. Your toddler may have natural instincts to keep their belongings for their own enjoyment, especially
Recognizing The Signs Of Sexual Abuse In Your Child
Recognizing The Signs Of Sexual Abuse In Your Child Sexual abuse in children is something that no one wants to acknowledge but everyone knows occurs. Nobody can fathom how someone could do this to a child, yet sadly, about 12
The New Frontier Of Healthcare Systems
The New Frontier Of Healthcare Systems Technological advancements touch every aspect of modern life. While many people focus on how these advancements can benefit them at home or at work, they may be unaware of how these innovations are improving
The Changing Landscape Of Family Practice Medicine
The Changing Landscape Of Family Medicine With the changing landscape of family medicine, healthcare is clearly at the forefront of contemporary U.S. politics. Due to the recent implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act, the impact is being felt on
A Child’s Duty To An Aging Parent
A Child’s Duty To An Aging Parent Although many families do not discuss it, children should inherently understand that it will be their responsibility to help ensure that their parents are not ignored, forsaken or forgotten during the latter years