When you think about car accidents in general, you think of physical injuries and physical damage to your car. In most cases, you do not think about the emotional trauma that an accident can cause, or the lasting anxiety that can occur. In fact, most people do not realize how often this occurs, especially in women.
Women often become afraid of their cars if the injuries they sustained were very serious. While this does happen in men, women react this way to an accident more often because they feel that their driving skills have become diminished.When a car accident occurs, it can really impact your self-confidence about getting behind the wheel again. Anxiety and fear can also become an issue, and many people experience a complete fear of even getting into a car again. Thankfully, this can be addressed and corrected.
Overcoming Post Accident Anxiety
• Drivers Refresher Course. Sometimes this fear and anxiety can be overcome by taking a drivers refresher course. The person who is experiencing the anxiety “learns” first-hand that they are still a skilled driver and able to operate the vehicle.
• Passenger Skills. Sometimes this fear is able to be conquered by remaining a passenger for a while and feeling comfortable in the front seat of the car once more. In bad anxiety cases, the person who is affected does not even want to get into a car at all. Sometimes starting slowly as a passenger will help overcome the fear.
• Small Trips. It may take some time, but the fearful driver can begin making small errands in the car, preferably with another adult passenger. Quick trips to the grocery store will eventually become long trips.
• Therapy. Some people are so fearful of their car after an accident that they must seek professional therapy to help them overcome their problems. Once therapy has begun to show progress, they will be able to complete the steps listed above and return to driving.
Post-accident anxiety is something that is very real and must be taken seriously. If you or a loved on have been involved in a car accident and are experiencing this type of fear, it is important to seek help. It is also very important for you to discuss this fact with your car accident attorney. On this video from Long Island car accident lawyer, Gacovino Lake, you can find some insight in to the type of assistance a car accident attorney can provide to make the situation less stressful.
Of particular interest is the fact that insurance companies will show up as quickly as possible to settle your claim. You may not be aware of your anxiety about driving at that time and would not receive the appropriate compensation to pay for therapy for your anxiety.
Your attorney can make sure that prior to the settlement for your accident , the insurance company pay for any and all treatments you need to overcome this issue. Any lasting impacts that this anxiety may cause you must also be considered when a settlement is offered. If continued treatment is necessary, you need to have the financial capabilities to cover these expenses.
The worst thing that you can do is ignore these feelings. You want to make sure that you take the proper steps or receive the right therapy to address this issue. Failing to take care of the problem could result in a lifetime of not being able to drive or panicking behind the wheel. Sadly, panicking behind the wheel could lead to another accident, making matters even worse.
Georgina Clatworthy is a former legal editor and still writes on many legal topics. She has always tried to provide advice and insight on the many issues often overlooked in legal matters especially in terms of the effects caused by injuries and accidents.
Photo credit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/60656838@N07/9853879784/
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