Often parenting advice is handed out like Kool-aide. However, this young man went against the parenting advice to study creative writing instead of medicine. Did you follow the advice of your parents or make your own road? Are you glad you did? What will parenting advice will you give your kids?
4 Tips on Your Bad Body Image & Your Kids (EXPERT)
If you truly care about the accidental messages you are sharing with your kids about body image, you will begin today to practice new ways to communicate self-worth. You may really need to be much more mindful of your language when anger, frustration or old patterns trigger old responses. Be sure to claim your free ebook on Using Encouraging Words at http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com You will be glad you did.
Teaching & Modeling Empowerment (EXPERT)
How does a parent, grandparent, mentor or teacher model empowerment and confidence to the kids in their circle of influence? The primary way anything is taught to children is through modeling. We show them the behavior we desire. From the
Invisible Wounds…Coping With the Issue of Crash Anxiety
When you think about car accidents in general, you think of physical injuries and physical damage to your car. In most cases, you do not think about the emotional trauma that an accident can cause, or the lasting anxiety that
What should you do when your kids fight and argue? Should you step in or allow them to work it out? The definition of sibling rivalry isCompetition between siblings especially for the attention, affection, and approval of their parents. This article is filled with good ideas that can assist your family to stop arguing and gain more cooperation.
Phrases to Build Confidence
When you build confidence, both in yourself and others, use strong words that evoke a sense of movement. For instance; “I can do it” is certainly stronger than “I can’t do it.” Contrast that to “I choose to do it”
4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Toddler(EXPERT)
4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Toddler Do you talk to your kids or with them? Do you listen to them and do you actually hear what they are trying to tell you? Does your body language
Confidence, Character and Critical Thinking
When we teach our children to be a kind and responsible person, we are really teaching three things: 1) Confidence 2)Character and
3) Critical thinking skills. This life-skills will stand them in good stead no matter what journey they may take in life.