When you build confidence, both in yourself and others, use strong words that evoke a sense of movement.
For instance; “I can do it” is certainly stronger than “I can’t do it.” Contrast that to “I choose to do it” which sounds more powerful and sure. The strongest is “I am going to do it! I will start right now and practice it every day until it becomes automatic action.”
Commit to Confidence
Making a decision that you can do something is great but making a commitment and an action plan is even better. The Universe rewards action. When you move forward, you will find assistance, guidance and doors opening for you. Life actually becomes easier once you move in a forward direction.
In my many books and articles available at http://www.ArtichokePress.com you will find the words to say to bring about positive change. I do this because sadly, many people have told me that they need the specific words and phrases because they have never heard them.
Phrases To Increase Self-Esteem and Confidence
Here is a list of 15 encouraging words and phrases that will assist you or your child to keep trying and increase self-esteem and confidence.
- “I like the way you handled that.”
- “Wow, you really thought out the solution to that problem.”
- “I have faith in your ability.”
- “I appreciate what you did.”
- “You are really showing improvement.”
- “I know you will figure out a good way to do it next time.”
- “You don’t have to be perfect. Effort and improvement are important.”
- “I trust you to be responsible.”
- “It must make you proud of yourself when you accomplish something like that.”
- “You are a valuable part of the team.”
- “It is okay to make a mistake, we all do. What do you think you learned from it?”
- “How can we turn this into a positive?”
- “I’m proud of you for trying.”
- “I’ll bet by next year you will be able to handle it, you just need to grow a little.”
- “I know you are disappointed that you didn’t win, but you’ll do better next time.”
Say Your Encouraging Words With Emotion
The stronger the positive statements spoken with emotion and deep meaning, the more the sub-conscious mind believes you and works to make it come true. That is why affirmations work. You are repeating positive statements with feeling and emotion.
Claim a copy of the audio book Affirmations For Abundance at http://www.ArtichokePress.com and listen to it daily for 21 days as you commute to work or walk around the park. You will see a big difference in your belief system and inner confidence.
You deserve the best and I am confident in your ability to impact the world by influencing others to make wise choices through the use of encouragement and attracting the positive.
Join our community of kind, thoughtful people who want respect for all at http://www.ArtichokePress.com

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