Fighting For SSI For Your Sick Child Most women physically experience euphoria after the birth of a baby. Unfortunately, sometimes this euphoria is short-lived because the pregnancy resulted in an ill baby, due to prematurity or other health problems. Possible
Family Traveling To Europe? Remember The Rules Of The Road!
Traveling To Europe? Remember The Rules Of The Road! International travel is an exciting way to broaden your family’s horizons, learn about new cultures and dive into new cuisines. One of the most popular destinations is Europe, with the United
How Multi DUI’s Can Wreck Your Life
How Multi DUI’s Can Wreck Your Life While driving comes with numerous responsibilities, you’ll find it also is a privilege to be able to get where you want to go independently. However, driving while intoxicated not only is dangerous to
Captain Courageous: How Sailing Can Boost Your Self Esteem
Captain Courageous: How Sailing Can Boost Your Self Esteem Low self-esteem can have a negative impact on the every day aspects of your life. However, a hobby such as sailing can help build your self-esteem and give it the positive
Getting The Most Out Of Your Health Care
Getting The Most Out Of Your Health Care As the healthcare market continues to change and adjust to the demands of the public, you may find it difficult to figure out exactly what services you personally need to stay healthy
Ditch The Lampshade! Party Safe
Ditch The Lampshade! Party Safe One of the biggest party nights of the year has come and gone. Ringing out the old by ushering in the New Year with promises of a fresh start put many in the celebratory spirit,
Jake’s Law And Its Impact On Distracted Driving
Jake’s Law And Its Impact On Distracted Driving A recent study published by the Pew Research Institute indicated that more than 90% of the population in this country now owns at least one cell phone. With more mobile users than
4 Step Model For Setting Boundaries–Be Firm, But Kind (EXPERT)
We teach people how to treat us by allowing them to step on our boundaries and hurt our feelings. This is an excellent article about the 4 steps to setting boundaries in a firm, kind voice that sends a message of how we want to be treated. For more information, please go to which has a full listing of books, videos, e-learning and articles to enhance family relationships and build strong, resilient family members.