ARE YOU KIDDING? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Yes, I am yelling! I cannot believe the courts would actually allow a known sexual offender become the guardian of two young girls. This particular predator in Stevensville, Montana has

been taking indecent liberties with children since at least 1980 even though the records keep getting lost and the cases falling through the cracks.
Thanks to Perry Backus, who wrote the article about the young 11 year old girl giving birth to Mikael Shane Pruett’s child. Yes, you read that right. It is a child giving birth to a child. The victim did not even know she was pregnant because she “didn’t know what pregnant felt like.”
As caring adults, we are grateful for the work of Bill Fulbright and Judge Langton who have assured this monster manipulator will be given a sentence of 200 years in prison. Is it too late for the young girls who have been sentenced to a confusing tragedy of knowing who to trust in life.
Why didn’t someone help them? Where were the teachers, neighbors, landlords, or relatives? Didn’t any of the girl’s friends mention to parents that something wasn’t right in that house? Were there any visits by CPS?
Had a 12 year old child hit the 11 year old girl on the arm while they were on the playground, there would have been an uproar about bullying. Perhaps there would be PTA meetings, mandatory bullying training, neighborhood outcry. SO WHY ISN’T THIS WORTHY OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT TO CORRECT CHILD SEXUAL AB– USE?
We came together when a young man was killed recently or when a family’s home is burned or to cheer at football games. Then we better come together to make sure the innocent children are protected and valued. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to all of us, it certainly has been for us.
Judy and Dwain Wright, Missoula, MT 59801
PS: If you are interested in protecting our children from those who would hurt them, please contact your local law enforcement. There are many groups and forums of kind, thoughtful people who want respect for all.
PSS: Please comment and share your thoughts below and be sure to sign up for a free download on “Using Encouraging Words.” You will be glad you did.

How incredibly awful.
That’s insane! 🙁
A Society is Judged by the way it cares for those less able to care for themselves.” 65 B.C.
What happened to Mom? Dad? Why would a court allow a Sex Offender in a city that has children? When the USA has more jail cells than any other country in the world?
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