Tips for Long Distance Parenting This following guest article was written by Richard Hemby who regularly writes about social science degrees and college related topics for Online College Guru, an online college degree guide. Whether it is a divorce or
Step-Dad or Stepped On Dad?
Stepdad, hmmm, Does that mean that you are available to be stepped on or walked over? No, you are not a stepped on dad. You are an important part of your children’s and step children’s lives, even if they don’t
Building Strong Family Relationships
Hello from beautiful Montana: As caring adults(either by DNA or friendship) we want to create a safe and nurturing space in order to build strong family relationships. We also want the kind of family relationship where each child is a connected
Adult vs. Childhood Trauma
Adult vs. Childhood Trauma Adult trauma is the experience of a bodily or emotional event, usually negative, as an adult verses a childhood happening. A traumatic episode can have a lasting psychic effect on both an adult or child, but