Writing about your life can help you understand yourself better. It can help you see the patterns in your life, identify the themes that run through it, and make sense of your choices.
Why to Capture Your Memoir or Life Story –Begin Today

Writing about your life can help you understand yourself better. It can help you see the patterns in your life, identify the themes that run through it, and make sense of your choices.
Are You an Author-ity? © Judy H. Wright www.ArtichokePress.com The easiest way to become an expert, specialist, power to be reckoned with, a person of influence and someone deemed to know what they are talking about–in other words, an authority–is
Reminisce on Your Life Story or Memoir The Healing Power of Reminisce To reminisce is to remember and recall with others. This is the fun part of remembering. You hear a story and you flashback and can add more details,
The Art of Reflecting – Write Your Memoir & Tell Your Life Story Reflect on your past. It is good to think of the memoir as a strand of pearls with a string that runs through it. An autobiography is
The Written Word Is A Special Legacy – Write Your Memoir & Tell Your Life Story The written word is a special legacy. Captured in tangible form, a life story becomes a permanent, priceless memento of your family's heritage. It
Memory is our ability to encode, store and recall information. Psychologists are continually trying to discover how something as complex and many sited as our memory really works. The best way I have been able to understand it is