4 Tips on Your Bad Body Image & Your Kids (EXPERT)

If you truly care about the accidental messages you are sharing with your kids about body image, you will begin today to practice new ways to communicate self-worth. You may really need to be much more mindful of your language when anger, frustration or old patterns trigger old responses. Be sure to claim your free ebook on Using Encouraging Words at http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com You will be glad you did.

Picky Eaters– Common Sense Parenting with “Auntie Artichoke” (EXPERT)

Picky eaters get that way for a variety of reasons. Some are very sensitive to taste, texture and smell. The more your child is involved in planning and preparing the meals, the more he or she will enjoy them. Statistics say families who enjoy regular meals together have better job and school performance, less stress and more happiness. Never make a battle around food. Encourage good conversation and connections at the dinner table.

3 Easy Steps To Really Enjoy Children (EXPERT)

Aunties and Uncles, Teachers and Coaches, Youth Leaders and extended families are so important to raising resilient, confident kids into adults.

Parents spend an average of seventeen hours a week in the company of their kids, but less than two hours a week devoted to interacting with them. Interacting means face to face or shoulder to shoulder time talking, playing or helping with homework. It does not mean texting or phone calls, which is connecting but not building real relationships.