Helicopter Moms & Stressed Out Babies (EXPERT GUEST POST)

Are you a helicopter Mom? Are you an Alpha Mom? As a new parent, you may find your day filled with chaos and mayhem. While time with your child can be the most amazing experience, you may also find it exhausting and overwhelming. The following tips will help you gain sanity, while enjoying your new bundle of joy. See http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com for more information on parenting.

Natural and Logical Consequences (EXPERT)

Natural and logical choices are an important part of discipline, not only with our children but ourselves as well. When we forget to pay the light bill, the electricity is shut off. That naturally follows the action. What if there is not a natural consequence to an inappropriate choice? Then we create on that is tied in some way to the learning lesson. If a child does not pick up his toys as asked, then the toys are taken away for a period of time.