2 Myths About Quality Family Time (EXPERT)

There are at least two myths about “quality time” and learning these myths will help parents relax a bit and enjoy time with the family.
Our family used to have Sunday Night Panic and we all hated it. Now we have quality time working together and totally being present. I was a maniac every Sunday night trying to get ready for the new week. Took my kids to teach me how to include quality time with chores, errands and mundane life stuff.

10 Ways to Help Your Child Make Friends & Increase Likeability (EXPERT)

New research shows that all likeable children behave in certain ways. These skills are not in-born but can be taught by parents, teachers and other caring adults. There is a language of likeability that some children cannot pick up by osmosis, but must learn. It has been called“shorthand” to making friends.