Please remember, sexual abuse is never something a child should be blamed for. It is the duty and responsibility of adults to protect and guard those who are innocent and vulnerable. If you notice any of the emotional signs and signals of distress that are listed in this article, please take time to spend some care and gentle talking to your child.
3 Tips for Positive Family Relationships-What Went Well Today?
“What went well?” is a much more positive way to teach family members to focus on the positive in life rather than the negative. Read this article for 3 tips on raising positive kids in a negative world.
Dining Out With Children & Finicky Eaters
Dining Out With Children & Finicky Eaters can be a challenge for the families–those who are trying to eat and those who are trying to get their kids to behave in public. Here are some great ideas for you in both cases.
What should you do when your kids fight and argue? Should you step in or allow them to work it out? The definition of sibling rivalry isCompetition between siblings especially for the attention, affection, and approval of their parents. This article is filled with good ideas that can assist your family to stop arguing and gain more cooperation.
5 Ways To Nurture With Nature—(EXPERT)
Nature Nurtures The Spirit & Builds The Body
Children who have the opportunity to play in nature have a heightened awareness of the world. Being in nature helps them to recognize the cycles of life and the interdependence of plants, animals and humans.
They also have more advanced coordination, balance and agility. When they are involved in physical play, they develop their lungs and muscles which means they are sick less often. Being in nature creates a resilient spirit and a bounce-back attitude.
Increase Likeability and Social Skills (EXPERT)
All likeable people behave in certain ways. They literally have a “magnetic” personality drawing others to them. The advantages of being likeable are numerous, including higher grades and income, self-esteem, better health, longer life and happiness and well-being.
Boys & Reading—Teens & Working—Ask Auntie Artichoke (Expert)
Boys and reading, teens who want to work. What do other successful families do? This common sense advice column is written by Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, the Global Director of Solutions for Families. Easy to incorporate ideas and methods to make your family stronger and happier.
Parent Advice: 5 Ways to End Your Teens’ Behavior Problems
The best time to teach respect, responsibility and resiliency in when children are small. If you have out of control teens, it is not too late to set up boundaries of behavior. Fair, kind and consistent discipline is the best way to work with teens and pre-teens. You will want to read more at