All likeable people behave in certain ways. They literally have a “magnetic” personality drawing others to them. The advantages of being likeable are numerous, including higher grades and income, self-esteem, better health, longer life and happiness and well-being.
Boys & Reading—Teens & Working—Ask Auntie Artichoke (Expert)
Boys and reading, teens who want to work. What do other successful families do? This common sense advice column is written by Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, the Global Director of Solutions for Families. Easy to incorporate ideas and methods to make your family stronger and happier.
Parent Advice: 5 Ways to End Your Teens’ Behavior Problems
The best time to teach respect, responsibility and resiliency in when children are small. If you have out of control teens, it is not too late to set up boundaries of behavior. Fair, kind and consistent discipline is the best way to work with teens and pre-teens. You will want to read more at
5 Rules for Respect And Kindness (EXPERT)
Teaching respect is an important part of parenting. You cannot fake respect for others. Kids have a built in BS radar. They are very aware of adult’s moods, attitudes and belief systems. If we want them to practice kindness and respect for others, you must show respect and kindness to them.
3 Easy Steps To Really Enjoy Children (EXPERT)
Aunties and Uncles, Teachers and Coaches, Youth Leaders and extended families are so important to raising resilient, confident kids into adults.
Parents spend an average of seventeen hours a week in the company of their kids, but less than two hours a week devoted to interacting with them. Interacting means face to face or shoulder to shoulder time talking, playing or helping with homework. It does not mean texting or phone calls, which is connecting but not building real relationships.
Discipline But Never Punish (EXPERT)
Are you curious about the difference between discipline and punishment? Would you like to learn the truth about how to discipline without damage to the spirit of the child or employee? This interesting blog post will provide you with a unique perspective on why discipline is a positive way to help others gain competency and become competent adults.
2 Myths About Quality Family Time (EXPERT)
There are at least two myths about “quality time” and learning these myths will help parents relax a bit and enjoy time with the family.
Our family used to have Sunday Night Panic and we all hated it. Now we have quality time working together and totally being present. I was a maniac every Sunday night trying to get ready for the new week. Took my kids to teach me how to include quality time with chores, errands and mundane life stuff.
Bullying-An Imbalance Of Power (Expert)
How do you determine if you or your child is being bullied? Perhaps it was just a joke taken too far? Bullying can best be defined as an imbalance of power. Whenever there is an imbalance of power or strength