If you want to gain new ideas and tips for helping Mother Earth stay green and offer sustainable living, here are some easy to use tips. The more you work together as a team, the more you will see your family and your home become more healthy and green. Thanks from www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com
Teaching & Modeling Empowerment (EXPERT)
How does a parent, grandparent, mentor or teacher model empowerment and confidence to the kids in their circle of influence? The primary way anything is taught to children is through modeling. We show them the behavior we desire. From the
Do You Have An Indigo Child? (EXPERT)
Indigo Children- Born to Lead, Hard to Manage, Do you have one at your house? Indigo children are children that are not content to color in the lines or glue macaroni on paper. They are very bright but
4 Step Model For Setting Boundaries–Be Firm, But Kind (EXPERT)
We teach people how to treat us by allowing them to step on our boundaries and hurt our feelings. This is an excellent article about the 4 steps to setting boundaries in a firm, kind voice that sends a message of how we want to be treated. For more information, please go to http://artichokepress.com which has a full listing of books, videos, e-learning and articles to enhance family relationships and build strong, resilient family members.
3 Tips for Positive Family Relationships-What Went Well Today?
“What went well?” is a much more positive way to teach family members to focus on the positive in life rather than the negative. Read this article for 3 tips on raising positive kids in a negative world.
5 Ways To Nurture With Nature—(EXPERT)
Nature Nurtures The Spirit & Builds The Body
Children who have the opportunity to play in nature have a heightened awareness of the world. Being in nature helps them to recognize the cycles of life and the interdependence of plants, animals and humans.
They also have more advanced coordination, balance and agility. When they are involved in physical play, they develop their lungs and muscles which means they are sick less often. Being in nature creates a resilient spirit and a bounce-back attitude.
Increase Likeability and Social Skills (EXPERT)
All likeable people behave in certain ways. They literally have a “magnetic” personality drawing others to them. The advantages of being likeable are numerous, including higher grades and income, self-esteem, better health, longer life and happiness and well-being.
Life Is Precious-Sometimes Bad Things Happen To Good People (EXPERT)
There are more good people in the world and they are full of love and reflected in everything they do. On the other hand, there are also bad people in the world filled with hatred. If our world was full of evil people, there would be far more tragedies similar to the one that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.