Parents and families are the foundations of the world. Dads are important to children and society as a whole.

What we fail to teach in childhood, can never truly be made up for in adulthood. As important as mothers are in nurturing and guiding children, it is vital that we understand and encourage dads to take part in preparing the child for society.
Dads are important not only to their children and step-children but to strengthening the society as a whole. The typical father spends about seven hours per week in “primary child care.” That may not sound like a lot of time bonding, connecting and teaching but it is twice as much as was recorded in 1965.
Society Needs Imput From Both Parents, Grandparents and Teachers
Rather than competing for the attentions of the baby or child, we should consider the partnership of all the caring adults who love and guide a child into adulthood. We really do need a village to raise a kind, thoughtful, respectful and understanding child. These are attributes that can be taught and reinforced from a myriad of loving, kind and concerned adults.
Economy Changing Face of ChildCare
No longer is the mother staying at home to raise children while the father goes out to earn the living. The economy worldwide is dictating that parenting, childcare and day to day involvement may be shared or even shifted to the Dad.
Psychologists and sociologists agree that the father is supposed to be the chief transmitter of culturally based concepts of what is masculine and what is feminine. Growing up beside a loving dad who talks, has interest in activities, sets guidelines and gives wise discipline will set any child on a journey of success.
Dads are important to children and if there is not one in the life of your child, find a kind, safe and loving mentor who can teach and share the lessons of life that only a man can teach. Life lessons from dads can influence a child’s life forever.
You are invited to go to to learn new techniques which will reframe negative thoughts and belief patterns into positive actions. You will be very glad you did.

Thanks for bringing out the importance of a the partnership of all adults in caring for an child. It is the community that cares that makes a difference in successfully raising children.
All to often some of the Dads go AWOL; it is refreshing to see this kind of view in a society with all to many single parents. Thanks Judy
Good points about the dad. When kids don’t have a dad, that’s where athletic coaches and Big Brother programs come into play.