Hello from beautiful Montana: Today I twittered on the social networks about how important it is to connect with your teen. I advised parents and grandparents to connect at least 5 times a day. Touchpoints are not necessarily actually touching
Listen To Your Family- Hear The Truth
Hello from beautiful Montana: Learning to communicate with those you care about takes a great deal of courage and time. Listening to your family takes courage because you may hear the truth, when you would prefer an easier and less painful
Language of Love
Hello from beautiful Montana: Do you speak the same language as your spouse, children, boss and co-workers? You may very well be nodding your head and saying; “Of course, we all speak English or Spanish or French.” You may understand
Your Life Has Purpose, Value and Meaning
Hello from Montana: As many of you know, I work with Hospice occasionally, especially gathering end of life stories. It is a sacred work and one that helps bring closure to a person’s time on this earth. Most people are
Healthy Families – Healthy Communication
Hello from beautiful Montana: As a parent educator, I teach families that the 3 best ways to insure their babies success in school and life is to: Talk to them ( tell them stories, tell them where their nose is,
Was Last Year Happy or Horrible For You?
Wow, Time Flies. I think we just had New Year’s Eve a few weeks ago. Either time moves faster or we move slower as age and circumstances come along our life’s journey. I was prompted to think about this particular
Great Gifts for Grandparents in Tight Economy
Hello from Montana: This is tight economy this year, and if you have small children and a lot of expenses, you may be looking for ways to make homemade fun and gifts. Cards From Construction Paper When your child makes
Rude Children – Teach Good Manners
Burp! Belch! Other obnoxious sounds and smells come from your 12 year old son. You want to die of embarrassment at what people will think of your rude children. You have certainly tried to teach good manners, but were they