Often parenting advice is handed out like Kool-aide. However, this young man went against the parenting advice to study creative writing instead of medicine. Did you follow the advice of your parents or make your own road? Are you glad you did? What will parenting advice will you give your kids?
Adopt An Older Dog- Great Choice For Pet Parents
Deciding to share your home with a cutie dog is a step towards a wonderful experience. So, why don’t you take the next step which is adopting an older dog? There are many dogs waiting for you to invite them into your home. They will repay you with so much love and devotion.
With an older dog, non-stop curious energy and puppy faces are gone. They developed a sense of self, maturity and a sort of wisdom. Older dos are like a basketball glove, conditioned, relaxed and ready to play the later innings in this game of life. for more information about the life of a dog, please see http://www.deathofmypet.com
Stress Triggers for Kids-How To Help Them Cope (EXPERT)
How do you know what is stress and what is a temper tantrum? How do caring adults help them to cope with school, friends and disappointments? How do you figure out if the stomachache is from too many tacos last
Quality Time or Quantity Time
The truth is quality time just needs
to be time spent. Going to zoos, movies or museums
can be wonderful time spent together. But if you
are merely cramming the activities into your life
in a frenzied rush, you and your children won’t
experience a real sense of relaxed camaraderie.
In all actuality, they may prefer some time working
side by side with you on a family project or task.
3 Tips for Positive Family Relationships-What Went Well Today?
“What went well?” is a much more positive way to teach family members to focus on the positive in life rather than the negative. Read this article for 3 tips on raising positive kids in a negative world.
Teach Acceptance-Build Confidence
The best way to build confidence and self-esteem is to find things we are good at and enjoy and do more of them. Determine what you or your child is good at and then just do more and better of that. Manage weakness but don’t concentrate on it.
Raising a Resilient, Responsible Bounce-Back Kid
Wise parents, teachers and caregivers help children to problem solve, rather than solve the problem for them. Raising a child to be responsible and resilient means that you do what you can to help the child help themselves.
Encouraging Words for Teens, Adolescents and Young Adults
Hello from beautiful Montana: Wow! Just when our children were raised and became intelligent, thoughtful and kind adults, along came our grandchildren who needed encouragement and guidance. Today’s parents and teens face new challenges which make adolescence more troublesome than