Often parenting advice is handed out like Kool-aide. However, this young man went against the parenting advice to study creative writing instead of medicine. Did you follow the advice of your parents or make your own road? Are you glad you did? What will parenting advice will you give your kids?
Parenting Perfection is not Possible-Focus on the Learning Experience
Perfection is not Possible-Focus on the Learning Experience Raising Responsible Children may seem overwhelming to you, especially if you don’t know the way. Many times just a suggestion from another parent gives you ideas for your own family situation. The time and effort spent to help your child have positive learning experiences in your home will be an investment in the future. Believe me, it’s worth it!
What Should Be First Foods For Babies?
When to begin solid food for babies is a question many parents wonder about. Breast milk is the perfect choice of nourishment and most doctors and successful mothers suggest sticking just with breast milk for at least six months. Learn more about parenting and family relationships at http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com
Do You Have An Indigo Child? (EXPERT)
Indigo Children- Born to Lead, Hard to Manage, Do you have one at your house? Indigo children are children that are not content to color in the lines or glue macaroni on paper. They are very bright but
Discipline But Never Punish (EXPERT)
Are you curious about the difference between discipline and punishment? Would you like to learn the truth about how to discipline without damage to the spirit of the child or employee? This interesting blog post will provide you with a unique perspective on why discipline is a positive way to help others gain competency and become competent adults.
4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Toddler(EXPERT)
4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Toddler Do you talk to your kids or with them? Do you listen to them and do you actually hear what they are trying to tell you? Does your body language
Natural and Logical Consequences (EXPERT)
Natural and logical choices are an important part of discipline, not only with our children but ourselves as well. When we forget to pay the light bill, the electricity is shut off. That naturally follows the action. What if there is not a natural consequence to an inappropriate choice? Then we create on that is tied in some way to the learning lesson. If a child does not pick up his toys as asked, then the toys are taken away for a period of time.
Confidence, Character and Critical Thinking
When we teach our children to be a kind and responsible person, we are really teaching three things: 1) Confidence 2)Character and
3) Critical thinking skills. This life-skills will stand them in good stead no matter what journey they may take in life.