This is a handout I recently shared with the Montana State Child Care Association. The topic of the workshop was on Character & Heart Values. What Makes “A Good Person?” ©Judy Helm Wright Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Courtesy, Communicate,
What To Do If Your Child Has Violent Tendencies
What To Do If Your Child Has Violent Tendencies Most parents have the highest hopes and anticipation for our children. When your visions of success and happiness are thwarted because of your child’s violent tendencies, parents may be tempted to
Difficult Teenagers
If you have difficult teenagers in your home, you have our sympathy. It is not fun to live in a combat zone and worry that everyday will bring more battles and fights. Once you recognize the reason for the continued
Divorce Is Hard On Kids
Divorce is hard on kids and adults and friends and neighbors. There is nothing easy about divorce. It requires a mind shift about expectations, dreams and plans for the future. No matter how agonizing this is for the adults involved, you have
Parenting is Not Popularity Contest
Hello from beautiful Montana: We recently showed a rental property to a family searching for adequate and affordable housing. The mother turned to the child and said “what do you think darling, should we rent this house.” The child shook
Respectful Relationships
Hello from beautiful Montana: What constitutes respect? Do you have to like someone to be considerate, kind and courteous? How do you work in a relationship where there is an uneven balance of power? Listening to each other is important
Relationships – First Impressions
Relationships are the basis for all of life. We are all interdependent on each other. This means that we rely on others for mutual assistance, support, cooperation or interaction. When we meet someone for the first time we disclose much about
Sing Away Sadness, Anxiety and Worry
Sing Away Sadness, Anxiety and Worry. Huh? You have got to be kidding? Come on stick with me here. This really will work, at least for 3 minutes at a time. What do you have to lose? Climb every Mountain..