Hello from beautiful Montana: You want to be self-confident and you want to build that inner core of strength in your children and grandchildren or you wouldn’t have been drawn here. Something in those words resonated with your heart. You
Problem Solver – New Job Description
Hello from beautiful Montana: If you want to make sure you or your child have an occupation that will last forever and will always be in demand, then learn to be a problem solver. A new job description for a
Are You Well Liked – Power of Likeability
Hello from beautiful Montana; How do you manage social situations? Do you know what to say when networking in the work place? Would your co-workers say you are well liked? There is a power of likability that some have naturally,
Tips for Long Distance Parenting
Tips for Long Distance Parenting This following guest article was written by Richard Hemby who regularly writes about social science degrees and college related topics for Online College Guru, an online college degree guide. Whether it is a divorce or
Rude Children – Teach Good Manners
Burp! Belch! Other obnoxious sounds and smells come from your 12 year old son. You want to die of embarrassment at what people will think of your rude children. You have certainly tried to teach good manners, but were they
I’m evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they’re letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog. It covers: The best blogging techniques. How to get traffic
Difficult Teenagers
If you have difficult teenagers in your home, you have our sympathy. It is not fun to live in a combat zone and worry that everyday will bring more battles and fights. Once you recognize the reason for the continued
Step-Dad or Stepped On Dad?
Stepdad, hmmm, Does that mean that you are available to be stepped on or walked over? No, you are not a stepped on dad. You are an important part of your children’s and step children’s lives, even if they don’t