You will find additional information at for a series of free articles on transforming your family communications. Thanks for joining our community of caring parents, family members,coaches, teachers and mentors who want to help raise a generation of responsible
Divorce Is Hard On Kids
Divorce is hard on kids and adults and friends and neighbors. There is nothing easy about divorce. It requires a mind shift about expectations, dreams and plans for the future. No matter how agonizing this is for the adults involved, you have
5 Ways to Understand Your Children
5 Ways to Understand Your Children guest post by Adrienne Carlson There is nothing more precious in the world than our children, and as parents, there is nothing we would not do to ensure their happiness. Unfortunately, as they grow
Parenting is Not Popularity Contest
Hello from beautiful Montana: We recently showed a rental property to a family searching for adequate and affordable housing. The mother turned to the child and said “what do you think darling, should we rent this house.” The child shook
Friendships & Social Skills on The Playground
Parents and teachers play a vital role in teaching the skills of friendships and inter-personal relationships. Even toddlers can learn to initiate and sustain friendship and build social skills on the playground and in the group setting. One of the
Building Strong Family Relationships
Hello from beautiful Montana: As caring adults(either by DNA or friendship) we want to create a safe and nurturing space in order to build strong family relationships. We also want the kind of family relationship where each child is a connected
Generation X Dads – Building Connections With Kids
Hello from chilly Montana: If you are a male born between 1961 and 1980, and you have children, you are called a generation X Dad. You are building connections with kids who are born between 1981 and 2002 and are
Respectful Relationships
Hello from beautiful Montana: What constitutes respect? Do you have to like someone to be considerate, kind and courteous? How do you work in a relationship where there is an uneven balance of power? Listening to each other is important