Relationships are the basis for all of life. We are all interdependent on each other. This means that we rely on others for mutual assistance, support, cooperation or interaction. When we meet someone for the first time we disclose much about
5 Reasons Why Children Get Angry
What to do with the mad that you feel? That is a question Mr. Rogers used to ask on his television show. Why do we try to blame others when we get angry? We all get mad sometimes. Children, adults and even animals get angry over some of the silliest reasons to us, but the reasons are important to them.
However, the anger over a specific incident is usually just the tip of the iceberg. There is almost always a deeper need that has not been met. Here are 5 reasons why children get angry. I learned them at a parents meeting recently and they make sense to me.
Word Power – Encourage Communication With Family
Words have power. Power to hurt. Power to heal. And especially the power to build relationships with family members. If you want to encourage communication with the family be careful of the word power you have. Communication is More Than Just
Dads Are Important to Children & Society
Parents and families are the foundations of the world. Dads are important to children and society as a whole. What we fail to teach in childhood, can never truly be made up for in adulthood. As important as mothers are
Adult vs. Childhood Trauma
Adult vs. Childhood Trauma Adult trauma is the experience of a bodily or emotional event, usually negative, as an adult verses a childhood happening. A traumatic episode can have a lasting psychic effect on both an adult or child, but
Sing Away Sadness, Anxiety and Worry
Sing Away Sadness, Anxiety and Worry. Huh? You have got to be kidding? Come on stick with me here. This really will work, at least for 3 minutes at a time. What do you have to lose? Climb every Mountain..
Emotional Wounding – Reframe Past Hurts
We have all had emotional wounding in our lives. Usually the negative beliefs about our capabilities, appearance or skills was given to us by someone in our early life experience. The hurt or criticism was typically handed out by a caregiver, parent