I taught this class a few months ago for the Montana Child Care Association. I call it Caution Without Fear: Protecting Your Children from Sexual Abuse. It’s a long one, but a good one. To see the video absolutely for

I taught this class a few months ago for the Montana Child Care Association. I call it Caution Without Fear: Protecting Your Children from Sexual Abuse. It’s a long one, but a good one. To see the video absolutely for
Boys and reading, teens who want to work. What do other successful families do? This common sense advice column is written by Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, the Global Director of Solutions for Families. Easy to incorporate ideas and methods to make your family stronger and happier.
The best time to teach respect, responsibility and resiliency in when children are small. If you have out of control teens, it is not too late to set up boundaries of behavior. Fair, kind and consistent discipline is the best way to work with teens and pre-teens. You will want to read more at http://www.amzn.to/kindlebyjudy
Teaching respect is an important part of parenting. You cannot fake respect for others. Kids have a built in BS radar. They are very aware of adult’s moods, attitudes and belief systems. If we want them to practice kindness and respect for others, you must show respect and kindness to them.
4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Toddler Do you talk to your kids or with them? Do you listen to them and do you actually hear what they are trying to tell you? Does your body language
Natural and logical choices are an important part of discipline, not only with our children but ourselves as well. When we forget to pay the light bill, the electricity is shut off. That naturally follows the action. What if there is not a natural consequence to an inappropriate choice? Then we create on that is tied in some way to the learning lesson. If a child does not pick up his toys as asked, then the toys are taken away for a period of time.
Why do kids lie to parents, friends and teachers? Why do parents lie to kids, the insurance salesman and others. What is a lie? Learn 21 reasons why we tell lies and what to do about it.
The best way to build confidence and self-esteem is to find things we are good at and enjoy and do more of them. Determine what you or your child is good at and then just do more and better of that. Manage weakness but don’t concentrate on it.