Often parenting advice is handed out like Kool-aide. However, this young man went against the parenting advice to study creative writing instead of medicine. Did you follow the advice of your parents or make your own road? Are you glad you did? What will parenting advice will you give your kids?
Parenting Perfection is not Possible-Focus on the Learning Experience
Perfection is not Possible-Focus on the Learning Experience Raising Responsible Children may seem overwhelming to you, especially if you don’t know the way. Many times just a suggestion from another parent gives you ideas for your own family situation. The time and effort spent to help your child have positive learning experiences in your home will be an investment in the future. Believe me, it’s worth it!
4 Tips on Your Bad Body Image & Your Kids (EXPERT)
If you truly care about the accidental messages you are sharing with your kids about body image, you will begin today to practice new ways to communicate self-worth. You may really need to be much more mindful of your language when anger, frustration or old patterns trigger old responses. Be sure to claim your free ebook on Using Encouraging Words at http://www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com You will be glad you did.
What Makes A Good Person?
This is a handout I recently shared with the Montana State Child Care Association. The topic of the workshop was on Character & Heart Values. What Makes “A Good Person?” ©Judy Helm Wright www.judyhwright.com Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Courtesy, Communicate,
Help Your Child Make Friends (expert)
The Left Out Child: The Importance of Friendship answers these and other questions:
What can parents do to guide the social development of their young children?
Why is it important to be included?
Is it harder to make friends now than it used to be?
How important is it to help your child be more likeable?
What do I do if the teacher or coach doesn’t like my child?
How do I comfort my child when they are picked last or not at all?
How do I help my child overcome shyness and build confidence?
Is there a gender difference in friendships?
What about bullies, should parents intervene?
Ages and stages of friendship
Social skills are simple, but not easy
Ten ways to help your child make friends
15 ways to help kids like themselves
8 Easy Tips For A Green Home & Family
If you want to gain new ideas and tips for helping Mother Earth stay green and offer sustainable living, here are some easy to use tips. The more you work together as a team, the more you will see your family and your home become more healthy and green. Thanks from www.AskAuntieArtichoke.com
How To Have The “Talk” .. With Your New Teen Driver

How To Have The “Talk” .. With Your New Teen Driver Driving is a privilege that your teen should never enter into lightly. However, with the right amount of education, communication and discipline for rules that get broken, you can
Learning Disabled Teens & Teasing (EXPERT)
Learning Disabled Teens And Teasing – No Easy Answers Parents, teachers, extended family and neighbors recognize the special challenges of those who love and teach learning disabled children and adults. They are usually sensitive, kind and giving as small children.