If you’re the parent of a teen or preteen, you likely already know about the many phases that kids go through on their journey toward discovering their personal sense of style. One minute your little princess is prancing around in
4 Step Model For Setting Boundaries–Be Firm, But Kind (EXPERT)
We teach people how to treat us by allowing them to step on our boundaries and hurt our feelings. This is an excellent article about the 4 steps to setting boundaries in a firm, kind voice that sends a message of how we want to be treated. For more information, please go to http://artichokepress.com which has a full listing of books, videos, e-learning and articles to enhance family relationships and build strong, resilient family members.
10 Signs-It Is Time For Assisted Living For Your Loved One (EXPERT GUEST POST)
10 Signs It’s Time For Assisted Living For Your Loved One is an excellent article on helping your loved ones age with care and concern. It is not easy to know when to step in and help a family member or friend move to assisted living, but it is often the necessary thing to do. Reading the 10 signs will help you to know when and how to make the decision to re-locate an aging loved one.
What To Do If Your Child Has Violent Tendencies
What To Do If Your Child Has Violent Tendencies Most parents have the highest hopes and anticipation for our children. When your visions of success and happiness are thwarted because of your child’s violent tendencies, parents may be tempted to
Signs Of Molestation Or Abuse In Children EXPERT
Please remember, sexual abuse is never something a child should be blamed for. It is the duty and responsibility of adults to protect and guard those who are innocent and vulnerable. If you notice any of the emotional signs and signals of distress that are listed in this article, please take time to spend some care and gentle talking to your child.
3 Tips for Positive Family Relationships-What Went Well Today?
“What went well?” is a much more positive way to teach family members to focus on the positive in life rather than the negative. Read this article for 3 tips on raising positive kids in a negative world.
5 Rules for Respect And Kindness (EXPERT)
Teaching respect is an important part of parenting. You cannot fake respect for others. Kids have a built in BS radar. They are very aware of adult’s moods, attitudes and belief systems. If we want them to practice kindness and respect for others, you must show respect and kindness to them.
7 Mental Obstacles to Confidence (EXPERT)
You can make the choice to be more self-confident and assured. It is your responsibility to promote personal growth and success. This article lists 7 mental obstacles to overcome as you work toward a more confident you. If you want a better world, just build a better you.