When you build confidence, both in yourself and others, use strong words that evoke a sense of movement. For instance; “I can do it” is certainly stronger than “I can’t do it.” Contrast that to “I choose to do it”
3 Easy Steps To Really Enjoy Children (EXPERT)
Aunties and Uncles, Teachers and Coaches, Youth Leaders and extended families are so important to raising resilient, confident kids into adults.
Parents spend an average of seventeen hours a week in the company of their kids, but less than two hours a week devoted to interacting with them. Interacting means face to face or shoulder to shoulder time talking, playing or helping with homework. It does not mean texting or phone calls, which is connecting but not building real relationships.
3 Simple Ways to Keep Young Children Safe
3 Simple Ways to Keep Young Children Safe As a parent, keeping your children safe is your chief priority. And there’s plenty of advice out there touting certain strategies for doing so. But it doesn’t have to be complex or
4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Toddler(EXPERT)
4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Toddler Do you talk to your kids or with them? Do you listen to them and do you actually hear what they are trying to tell you? Does your body language
List of “Upset Words” & “Happy Words”-Name Your Emotions(EXPERT)
There are a wide variety of emotions that describe our needs, both met and unmet. By learning to name the upset and happy feelings, we are able to more easily communicate. It is also easier for others to help us find solutions. Being authentic with our emotions and needs is part of being a mature adult.
3 Ideas For Better Parenting Without Guilt
You don’t have to be a perfect parent (as if there ever was one–except my mother-in-law) but you do need to be a present parent. Just being there every single day and being mindful of your children is good enough. Help them to know they are loved unconditionally and teach them values and appropriate behavior and you are doing your job. Guilt free parenting is easier to achieve than you may think. Read these three simple ideas and then do the self-awareness quiz at the end. You will be glad you did.
5 More Tips For Communicating and Connecting With Your Kids (EXPERT)
Are you having problems connecting and communicating with your kids? Then try these simple tips and ideas for building confident kids. You will be glad you did.
May I Have This Dance -Committed Parents
Many people do not know what committed and loving parents say and do on a daily basis. If you have grown up in a dysfunctional family or never had a stable family life, how would you know? This article tells the story of a foster daughter who first saw my husband and I dancing together in the kitchen and it changed her life. Sharing the story has also changed the lives of those who have heard it. May you enjoy the dance? You will also enjoy the affordable and effective parenting books available at http://amzn.to/kindlebyjudy