Sex offender in Stevensville, Montana inpregnates an 11 year old girl who was under his care. How did this happen? We need community involvement to protect and safe guard the most vulnerable. Please contact your local law enforcement to see what you can do in your community. You will be glad you did.
How To Have The “Talk” .. With Your New Teen Driver

How To Have The “Talk” .. With Your New Teen Driver Driving is a privilege that your teen should never enter into lightly. However, with the right amount of education, communication and discipline for rules that get broken, you can
Do You Have An Indigo Child? (EXPERT)
Indigo Children- Born to Lead, Hard to Manage, Do you have one at your house? Indigo children are children that are not content to color in the lines or glue macaroni on paper. They are very bright but
Boys & Reading—Teens & Working—Ask Auntie Artichoke (Expert)
Boys and reading, teens who want to work. What do other successful families do? This common sense advice column is written by Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, the Global Director of Solutions for Families. Easy to incorporate ideas and methods to make your family stronger and happier.
Discipline But Never Punish (EXPERT)
Are you curious about the difference between discipline and punishment? Would you like to learn the truth about how to discipline without damage to the spirit of the child or employee? This interesting blog post will provide you with a unique perspective on why discipline is a positive way to help others gain competency and become competent adults.
Need More Cash? Ideas To Earn Extra $200 This Weekend
Everybody needs a little cash right now. Here are some ideas to help you earn an extra $200 this weekend. Take a look and see what you could do to add to your regular income.
Encouraging Words & Phrases To Build Confidence (EXPERT)
Words can hurt or heal. Choose the words you say so your voice will be one of encouragement and praise, rather than demeaning and negative. Change the way you talk to others, and change their lives and yours.
Natural and Logical Consequences (EXPERT)
Natural and logical choices are an important part of discipline, not only with our children but ourselves as well. When we forget to pay the light bill, the electricity is shut off. That naturally follows the action. What if there is not a natural consequence to an inappropriate choice? Then we create on that is tied in some way to the learning lesson. If a child does not pick up his toys as asked, then the toys are taken away for a period of time.